Tuesday, October 20, 2009

did you know...

... that Baldomero Espartero was the regent in spain during the years 1840-1843?
because i do.
and is that something that you ever really cared to know?
because i didn't.

apparently, teachers in Spain expect students to memorize pages of just dates and events for tests. do they care about concepts, not so much... but we will soon find out. midterm numero uno in t-minus 1 hour.

other than that... everything is quite great! im gearing up to head to amsterdam this weekend... which should be an event for the history books. im also officially making plans to head down to granada to visit Corynn, a friend of Natalie's who is studying there... im pretty jazzed.

but back to studying, cognitive break time has ended.


1 comment:

  1. FINALLY! Good luck on your midterm.. You will rock it I am sure because you are Ashley and you rock ALL things.
